More projects

So many of them.

Zine Camp 2024

This is year 3 for Zine Camp – an in-person summer hangout for adults who love zines! I’m one of the camp counselors.

2022 – Present

Zine Party!

Every month I host a Zoom hangout where we talk about making zines. It’s very low-key. The only real agenda item is, “what are you working on?”

2022 – Present

Own Your Shit!

I wrote an article and a tutorial for Behind The Zines #16 about owning a place for your stuff on the web. The tutorial takes you through setting up a linkt.ree-like website on a free site and then connecting it to your own URL.


Harlowe Template

Harlowe is the default story format for Twine (interactive fiction software). I love Twine but I’m not crazy about the defaults so I made my own.


Big Moon

Animal Crossing art installation.

2020 – 2022

Critiquing Design

I adapted Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process for use in remote design critiques. Though we don’t use this formally on the Firefox team anymore, many of the concepts are now baked into our process.


Bomb on Station 7

This was a quick project to teach myself how to make a game. It’s very simple, short, and dumb but I learned a lot and had fun.


Blank WordPress Page

This WordPress page template removes all of the special WordPress html from a page so that you can write whatever html you want between the body tags and style it with it’s own css file. I used it on this website.



Talkbot was a machinima web series created with SecondLife.

2007 – 2009