Author: Verdi

  • Big Weekend



    We all met in Chicago because I was helping to put on Zine Camp and it turned into a packed weekend of fun.

  • Immersive Video Process Iteration



    Shooting and editing immersive video is not very straightforward. Thankfully, Hugh Hou has made a million tutorials on this subject. I’ve been experimenting with the techniques he’s outlined to try to find what works best for me. This week I tried Mistika VR again and I found that it doesn’t do a noticeably better job…

  • Bill Viola



    Bill Viola died today. The moment Steve Bailey saw the first video I made (35 years ago) he said, “you need to see Bill Viola’s work.” He’s been an inspiration for me ever since. My most recent encounter with his work was last year in Denver.

  • Printed and Assembled



    Issue 4 is ready to go. Next, I have print mailing labels, write some notes, and stuff envelopes. I’m aiming to get these in the mail by Monday at the latest. I’ll also have a few copies with me at Zine Camp on the 21st.

  • Test Print



    I’ve still got one more image to create but I can get the printing started today.

  • Making Progress



    I finished re-writing issue 4 for the third time today. It’s finished now. I cut a couple of things that I’ll put on the issue’s page. Other than the covers I have to create new illustrations. I’ll start working on those tomorrow. Only one side will be 4 colors. The others will be just 2…

  • A Cookie and Forgiveness



    I’m aiming to print the zine I’m working on next weekend so my goal was to have it all ready to go this weekend. That didn’t happen. While I did make a bunch of progress on it, I also had a nice relaxing couple of days. I hung out with Rebecca, watched some movies, did…

  • The Phantom Moon

    I’ve always been fascinated by the view of the moon in the daytime sky. Years ago I began calling this “The Phantom Moon.” It’s one of the inspirations for the film I’m working on.

  • Corona Borealis before

    Checking a long overdue item off of my list. I got a photo of the Corona Borealis constellation before T Coronae Borealis goes nova. T Coronae Borealis should be just below the second star on the left (at about 8 o’clock). It’s circled in red in the diagram below. Hopefully, once this star goes nova…

  • Jenny Nicholson on the Star Wars Hotel

    User experience, service design, game mechanics — it’s all in here. This is a fabulous, four hour (yes four hours — totally worth it) breakdown of what went wrong with the Star Wars hotel.