Author: Verdi

  • 16K Upscale



    I’ve seen a few VR180 creators on Reddit talk about turning their 8K footage from the Canon R5C into 16K. The examples I’ve seen do look better so I thought I’d try it out. I used Topaz Labs Video AI to upscale a 30 second clip that I shot while we on vacation in Guerneville,…

  • Rough Prototype



    I spent the Labor Day weekend learning how to add text and 2D video into an immersive video scene. I’m doing this because I have this vision for a film/app for the Apple Vision Pro and I thought I could 1. prototype a large part of this experience in video and 2. I could also…

  • Progress



    I spent the weekend learning how to composite text and 2D video into a 180 degree, 3D video. I mostly have it all working. Once I figure out a couple of issues I’ll write something up.

  • Photo Novels



    I got an email from someone who saw my La Jetée zine in Quimby’s in Chicago asking if I knew more about genre. I don’t but a little bit of searching led me to this presentation by SAW (Sequential Artists Workshop) which makes me really want to revisit this format.

  • Back to Work



    I met my family in Guerneville after my week in Dublin for MozWeek. Unfortunately, I got Covid and spent the last couple of days pretty sick. Thankfully nobody else got it and I’m mostly better now.

  • All The Things

    Tomorrow I’m heading to Dublin for MozWeek (annual company-wide meeting). I have a handful of zines that I’m bringing to give to people but I thought I could make something to give to others that would take them to the online versions. I ordered some NFC tags and attached them to small cards to make…

  • A Mind Forever Voyaging



    The other day I was talking with a friend about selling things on eBay. I mentioned selling some interactive fiction title that I’d found in Goodwill about 12 years ago. For some reason I thought it was A Mind Forever Voyaging but it turns out it was something else. I don’t know why this is…

  • Dual Fisheye to Rectilinear 3D


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    There’s not a lot of info on the web for transforming the fisheye images you get with the Canon Dual Fisheye lens to rectilinear images. I finally found this tutorial for Stereo Photo Maker but I was missing the options that I needed in the menu. Finally I realized that these were only available in…

  • Zine Pals

    One of the cool things about sending zines out into the world is that sometimes people send zines to you. I got this one yesterday and it made my heart full.

  • Apple Vision Pro Persona

    I installed Persona Webcam so I could use my persona in zoom meetings on my Mac and realized I could also make a recording of it, so here it is.